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Daylight modelling

Daylight modelling is undertaken to meet daylight requirements for multi-residential and non-residential developments. High level of amenity and energy efficiency through design will be taken into account when doing daylight modelling.

  • Multi residential developments:

    • Living areas: at least 80% of the total number of living rooms achieve a daylight factor greater than 1% to 90% of the floor area of each living area, including kitchens.

    • Bedrooms: at least 80% of the total number of bedrooms achieve a daylight factor greater than 0.5% to 90% of the floor area in each room.

  • Non-residential developments:

    • all occupiable areas other than ancillary areas: Points are awarded where it can be demonstrated by daylight modelling that >30% of the nominated area achieves a daylight factor of at least 2%. Additional points are awarded where it is shown that >60% or >90% of the floor area achieves this daylight factor.

Please feel free to contact us for a free quote for your daylight modelling.

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